
Telcaria Ideas S. L. (TELCA) is an SME providing advanced services to network operators and equipment manufacturers worldwide. We partner with network operators to redesign their products towards a NFV/SDN based network infrastructure and cloud-computing applications. Telcaria is headquartered in Madrid, Spain. The company has collaborations with research institute IMDEA Networks and top Universities in the area: U. Carlos III of Madrid, U. Politécnica de Madrid and U. Alcala. The members of these institutions have a history of fruitful collaboration between them. This critical mass of networking expertise located in very close proximity creates many synergies. Telcaria will leverage its expertise in SDN&NFV technologies in 5Growth. The company is currently working in two other EU project related to these technologies (5GCORAL and 5GEVE), collaborates as an expert in the Master of SDN&NFV technologies offered by UC3M and is currently actively developing and commercially distributing Alviu, its SD-WAN solution.

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